Package 'compareMCMCs'

Title: Compare MCMC Efficiency from 'nimble' and/or Other MCMC Engines
Description: Manages comparison of MCMC performance metrics from multiple MCMC algorithms. These may come from different MCMC configurations using the 'nimble' package or from other packages. Plug-ins for JAGS via 'rjags' and Stan via 'rstan' are provided. It is possible to write plug-ins for other packages. Performance metrics are held in an MCMCresult class along with samples and timing data. It is easy to apply new performance metrics. Reports are generated as html pages with figures comparing sets of runs. It is possible to configure the html pages, including providing new figure components.
Authors: Perry de Valpine [aut, cre], Sally Paganin [aut], Daniel Turek [aut], Christopher Paciorek [aut]
Maintainer: Perry de Valpine <[email protected]>
License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE | GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.6.0
Built: 2025-01-30 04:38:20 UTC

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Apply a set of parameter conversions to MCMC output


Create transformed parameters from original parameters in MCMC output


applyConversions(samples, conversions)



One of: an MCMCresult object; a named list of MCMCresult objects (such as returned by compareMCMCs); a matrix of MCMC samples (such as the samples element of an MCMCresult object); or a named list of such matrices. In the first two cases, conversions will be done in place (as a "side effect" modifying the arguments) because MCMCresult objects are R6 objects and are thus passed by reference.


One of: a list of conversion specifications (see below); a named list of conversion specifications, with names matching those of a list provided for samples.


A conversion specification is a named list. For each element:

  • its name will be the name of a new column appended to a samples matrix.

  • its value should be a character string that can be parsed as code to calculate elements of the new column. It can use existing column names in samples. Calculations will be done row-wise. Column names are often something like "beta[2]". To have this used as a name, enclose it in backticks, e.g. "`beta[2]`". For example, an entry could be ⁠log_beta2 = "log(`beta\[2\]`)"⁠. A list value of NULL will remove the named column.

The conversion specification list will be processed in order. This allows creating new columns and removing old ones in a sensible order.

If both conversions and samples are named lists, they will be matched: the conversions element (itself a list of conversion specifications) used on a samples element will have the same name. If there is no conversions element for a given samples element, that samples element will be included in the returned list without any conversions.


An object of the same type as samples after application of conversions.

Combine all metrics from a list of MCMCresult objects.


This is useful for seeing results from multiple MCMC engines compactly.


  include_times = FALSE,
  params = NULL,
  paramFilter = NULL,
  MCMCFilter = NULL



a list of MCMCresult objects


if TRUE, attempt to include timing elements in the combination.


Character vector of parameter names to include. If NULL, all available parameter results will be included.


Expression suitable for use in dplyr::filter to subset the parameters to include. The relevant column name of the data frame (to be passed to filter) is "Parameter". For example, paramFilter=Parameter %in% c("alpha", "beta") will include only alpha and beta. Subsetting parameters by the coarser params argument will be done before subsetting by paramFilter.


Character vector of MCMC names to include. If NULL, all available MCMCs will be included.


Expression suitable for use in dplyr::filter to subset the MCMCs to include. The relevant column name is "MCMC". For example,MCMCFilter=MCMC %in% c("MCMC1", "MCMC2") Subsetting parameters by the coarser MCMCs argument will be done before subsetting by MCMCFilter.


A list with elements byParameter, byMCMC and, if include_times=TRUE, times. Each element combines the corresponding elements for each MCMCresult object in the results argument.

See Also


Run a set of MCMCs for performance comparison


Run one or more MCMC engines for one model specification, with timing and performance metrics calculated. See details for special case of precompiled nimble MCMCs.


  modelInfo = list(),
  MCMCcontrol = list(niter = 10000, thin = 1, burnin = 2000),
  MCMCs = names(nimbleMCMCdefs),
  monitors = character(),
  nimbleMCMCdefs = list(),
  externalMCMCinfo = list(),
  metrics = c("mean", "median", "sd", "CI95_low", "CI95_upp", "efficiency_coda"),
  metricOptions = list(),
  conversions = list(),
  seed = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  sessionInfo = TRUE



A list of nimble model-specification information (which may be relevant for JAGS, WinBUGS and/or OpenBUGS as well) and/or a nimble model itself. To provide information for a different MCMC engine, see argument externalMCMCinfo. Named elements in modelInfo can include code (model code as returned from nimbleCode), data (a list with data), constants (a list with data and/or constants), inits (a list of initial values), and/or model (an object returned from nimbleModel). If model is not provided, and if an R model will be needed, then nimbleModel will be called to create one using code, data, and/or inits. See nimbleModel in package nimble for for information on these arguments. For JAGS, WinBUGS and OpenBUGS, many models can be run from the same specification since they use nearly the same model language. If model is provided, the other elements will not be needed if only nimble MCMCs are used but will be needed if JAGS, WinBUGS or OpenBUGS will be used. (Note: There is currently no built-in support for WinBUGS or OpenBUGS. They are mentioned here in case one makes a plug-in to use them.) If model is a compiled nimble model, then other list elements will be ignored and the only MCMCs that can be run are compiled nimble MCMCs provided in nimbleMCMCdefs.


A list with fields niter (number of iterations), thin (thinning interval), and burnin (number of iterations to discard from the beginning of the MCMC sample).


A character vector of MCMC cases to run. This can include "nimble" (default nimble samplers), "jags", "stan", one of several nimble special cases (see details below), custom nimble sampler configurations provided via argument nimbleMCMCdefs, and external MCMC engines registered via registerMCMCengine. See builtin_MCMCs for information on "jags" and "stan". Support for OpenBUGS and WinBUGS is pending. Default is names(nimbleMCMCdefs), so that all provided nimble cases will be run. (If a compiled nimble model is provided in modelInfo$model, then MCMCs can include only names of nimbleMCMCdefs.)


A character vector of variable names to monitor (record in MCMC output). If missing, this will be determined from the nimble model as all top-level parameter names (e.g. hyper-parameters).


A list of information for custom sampler configurations in nimble. See package vignette for details. If a compiled nimble model is provided in modelInfo$model, then nimbleMCMCdefs must be a named list of compiled nimble MCMCs.


A list of arbitrary information for external MCMC engines, named by engine names. If there is an external MCMC engine named "myMCMC", then a list element myMCMC of externalMCMCinfo will be passed to the engine as its MCMCinfo argument.


Either a character vector of registered metric names to apply to each sample, or a list of elements with either metric names or metric functions to apply to each sample. See addMetrics for more information. A useful set of default metrics is provided.


Optional named list of individual metric options passed as the third argument ("options") of addMetrics when MCMC metrics are calculated.


List of parameter conversion (transformation) specifications, useful when different MCMCs use different parameterizations.


An (arbitrary) numeric value passed to set.seed to set the random-number generator seed before calling each MCMC engine. If NULL, no seed is set. To obtain identical results from one call of compareMCMCs to the next, use identical seed values.


If TRUE, a nimble model object should definitely be created (if necessary, or obtained from modelInfo$model if provided) and used, for example to determine variable names. If missing, needRmodel will be set TRUE if MCMCs includes "nimble", "jags", "openbugs", or "winbugs".


If TRUE, more verbose output may be generated.


If TRUE, record the results of sessionInfo(), run before calling each MCMC, with each MCMC result.


The special cases provided for the MCMCs argument include:

  • "nimble_noConj": use adaptive random-walk Metropolis-Hastings (ARWMH) samplers in place of Gibbs (conjugate) samplers.

  • "nimble_RW": use all adaptive random-walk Metropolis-Hastings samplers.

  • "nimble_slice": use all slice samplers.

If you have already used compileNimble to compile both a nimble model and one or more nimble MCMCs, provide the compiled model as modelInfo$model and provide the compiled MCMCs as elements of a named list for nimbleMCMCdefs. In that case, the monitors will already be set in the MCMCs and can't be changed. However, you can still use the monitors argument to subset and/or re-order the monitored nodes (parameters).

See package vignette for more details and examples.


A list of MCMCresult objects.

Create html output with comparisons of MCMC results


Create html output with comparisons of MCMC results


  dir = tempdir(),
  modelName = "model",
  params = NULL,
  paramFilter = NULL,
  MCMCFilter = NULL,
  plot = TRUE



A list of MCMCresult objects such as returned by compareMCMCs.


A directory in which to place the html file and any figure files used in it. This defaults to tempdir() (which will be erased when the R session is closed). Use dir = getwd() to use current working directory.


A list whose names are registered page components and values are TRUE (to include a component) or FALSE (to omit a component). Components can also be omitted by leaving them out of the list.


A name to be used for the model in generated output.


A named list of control parameters.


Character vector of parameter names to include. If NULL, all available parameter results will be included.


Expression suitable for use in dplyr::filter to subset the parameters to include. The relevant column name is "Parameter". For example, paramFilter=Parameter %in% c("alpha", "beta") will include only alpha and beta. Subsetting parameters by the coarser params argument will be done before subsetting by paramFilter.


Character vector of MCMC names to include. If NULL, all available MCMCs will be included.


Expression suitable for use in dplyr::filter to subset the MCMCs to include. The relevant column name is "MCMC". For example, MCMCFilter=MCMC %in% c("MCMC1", "MCMC2") will include only MCMC1 and MCMC2. Subsetting parameters by the coarser MCMCs argument will be done before subsetting by MCMCFilter.


TRUE to generate results, FALSE not to do so. Use of FALSE is useful if one wants to use the returned object (including plottable components) in one's own way.


See package vignette for information about page components, including about default page components and how to write and register new page components.

To see built-in page components and their options, use as.list(getPageComponents()).

The arguments params, paramFilter, MCMCs, and MCMCFilter are passed to combineMetrics. Both paramFilter and MCMCFilter are passed as expressions. One can call combineMetrics directly (with results as the first argument and any of these four arguments) to see the results tables that will be used to create figures.


A list of objects returned from each page component plugin. For figures, these contain a plottable object such as a ggplot object. For text, these contain information for text output such as an xtable object.

MCMC plugins that come with the compareMCMCs package


These functions are normally called from compareMCMCs, which passes its arguments or elements extracted from its arguments to these functions.


MCMCdef_dummy(MCMCinfo, MCMCcontrol, monitorInfo, modelInfo)

MCMCdef_jags(MCMCinfo, MCMCcontrol, monitorInfo, modelInfo)

MCMCdef_stan(MCMCinfo, MCMCcontrol, monitorInfo, modelInfo)



The named element of externalMCMCinfo argument to compareMCMCs that matches a particular MCMC. ("External" refers to any MCMC that is not internal to nimble.)


The MCMCcontrol argument to compareMCMCs, with the seed argument added as a list element if it was provided.


A list with elements monitors and monitorVars, providing two formats of information on model parameters for which MCMC output should be recorded.


The modelInfo argument to compareMCMCs


These functions are called internally from compareMCMCs. Each one runs an MCMC engine. Functions to interface to other MCMC engines can be registered via registerMCMCengine.

MCMCs in nimble are run from runNIMBLE. This uses a different system because there may be multiple nimble MCMC configurations for one model.

MCMCdef_dummy does not run a real MCMC. It provides a quick way to generate MCMC-formatted output for testing other parts of this package.

MCMCdef_jags runs JAGS via package rjags. It uses model information from modelInfo. It does not use MCMCinfo.

MCMCdef_stan runs Stan via package rstan. It does not use modelInfo. It accepts the following elements of the MCMCinfo list:

  • file: file argument to stan_model function in rstan. This can alternatively be provided via stan_model_args$file.

  • data: data argument to sampling function in rstan. This can alternatively be provided via sampling_args$data.

  • inits: inits argument to sampling function in rstan. This can alternatively be provided via sampling_args$inits.

  • stan_model_args: list of arguments to stan_model. Note that this can provide the stan model in the model_code element (as a character string) or in the file element (an alternative way to provide the file name).

  • sampling_args: list of arguments to sampling.

The elements file, data, and inits take precendence over corresponding entries in stan_model_args or sampling_args.

If elements warmup, iter, and/or thin are provided in sampling_args, those take precedence over corresponding values in the MCMCcontrol argument to compareMCMCs. Otherwise iter is set to MCMCcontrol$niter and warmup is set to MCMCcontrol$niter/2. Only one chain will be run.

Total sampling time for Stan is recorded via This is similar to how time is recorded for other MCMCs. The warmup time (called "burnin" in compareMCMCs for consistency across different MCMCs) is obtained from rstan function get_elapsed_time. The post-burnin time is the total sampling time minus the burnin time.

R6 class to hold MCMC samples, timing results, and metrics


R6 class to hold MCMC samples, timing results, and metrics

R6 class to hold MCMC samples, timing results, and metrics

Public fields


Optional name for the MCMC method.


Matrix of MCMC samples. Rows are for MCMC iterations. Columns are for parameters. Columns must be named.


A list of times including elements for setup, burnin, postburnin (sampling for recorded samples), and sampling (normally burnin + postburnin). Each list element should be a single numeric value.


A list of MCMC performance metrics such as effective sample size (ESS), efficiency, mean, median, and credible interval boundaries. metrics ' is organized as a list with three elements: byMCMC, byParameter, and other ' (currently unused).

byMCMC is for metrics with one number for an entire MCMC sample (as opposed to one number for each parameter). byMCMC is a data frame with one row and columns for MCMC name each metric. These would be metrics where there is a single

byParameter is for metrics with one number for each parameter in each MCMC sample. byParameter is a data.frame with one row for each MCMC-x-parameter combination and columns for MCMC method, parameter name, and each metric. There will only be one MCMC method name (all entries in the MCMC column will be the same).

The MCMC columns in byMCMC and byParameter are useful for combining metrics from a list of MCMCresult objects, such as done by combineMetrics, and for retaining MCMC method labels if these data.frames are copied and used outside of an MCMCresult object.

other is simply an arbitrary list. This allows arbitrarily structured metrics to be saved.

Elements of metrics are normally populated by addMetrics or compareMCMCs (which calls addMetrics).


Result of running sessionInfo() prior to calling an MCMC engine, if requested.


Public methods

Method new()

Create a new MCMCresult object.


Arbitrary initialization. If a matrix is passed, it will be used to initialize samples and the metrics elements. If a list with a matrix element named samples is passed, this element will be used as if the matrix itself was passed. Any other named elements of a list that correspond to fields of an MCMCresult object will be initialized from them.

Method setSamples()

Populate the samples and initialize the metrics


A data.frame with MCMC output.



Method rename()

Change the MCMC method name from oldName to newName

MCMCresult$rename(newName, oldName)

New name for MCMC method in metrics


Old name for MCMC method in metrics


This change the MCMC field and the corresponding columns of metrics$byParameter and metrics$byMCMC.

If oldName is not the MCMC method name, this function does nothing.



Method initializeMetrics()

Initialize metrics if necessary

MCMCresult$initializeMetrics(silent = FALSE)

logical indicating whether to emit warnings


This function does nothing if metrics are already initialized. It does not clear metrics. See clearMetrics for information on how metrics are initialized.


logical indicating whether metrics is well-formed or not.

Method clearMetrics()

Clear (reset) byParameter and/or byMCMC metrics

MCMCresult$clearMetrics(byParameter = TRUE, byMCMC = TRUE)

logical indicating whether to clear byParameter metrics


logical indicating whether to clear byMCMC metrics


byParameter metrics are initialized to a data.frame with columns for MCMC (all the same entry, the MCMC field) and Parameter (taken from column names of the samples).

byMCMC metrics are initialized to a data.frame with a column for MCMC.

Method addMetricResult()

Add one set of metric results


A list with possible elements byParameter, byMCMC, and other. These are typically returned from a metric function called via addMetric. Each is combined with previous metrics already in the corresponding elements of metrics.

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

MCMCresult$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.

See Also

renameMCMC to change the name of an MCMC method throughout the structure of a list of MCMCresult objects.

Built-in metrics for MCMCresult objects


These functions are normally called via compareMCMCs or addMetric.


MCMCmetric_mean(result, ...)

MCMCmetric_median(result, ...)

MCMCmetric_sd(result, ...)

MCMCmetric_CI95(result, ...)

MCMCmetric_CI95low(result, ...)

MCMCmetric_CI95upp(result, ...)

MCMCmetric_ESS(result, options = NULL)

MCMCmetric_efficiency(result, options = NULL)



An MCMCresult object, normally a list element returned by compareMCMCs


Possible additional arguments to metric functions.


A (metric-specific) list of named control options accepted by some metrics.


A metric is a summary of MCMC output. The summary may include results for each parameter, for each MCMC sample (across all parameters), and/or by arbitrary list. The last option is not used by any built-in metrics.

The built-in metrics include:

  • mean : mean for each parameter

  • median : median for each parameter

  • sd : standard deviation for each parameter

  • CI95 : both ends of 95% credible interval, a combination of CI95low and CI95upp

  • CI95low : lower end of 95% credible interval

  • CI95upp : upper end of 95% credible interval

  • ESS : effective sample size (ESS). Control options include ESSfun (a function to estimate ESS, with default = coda::effectiveSize), and suffix (a character string to be appended to "ESS" to form a label, with default = "").

  • efficiency or (synonomously) efficiency_coda : effective sample size (ESS) and efficiency (ESS / computation time). If ESS was already calculated, it will not be re-calculated. Control options include ESSfun (passed to ESS), suffix (a character string to be appended to "efficiency" to form a label, with default = ""), and time (a character string to be used as an expression to calculate the computation time from elements of the times element of the result object, with default = "sampling" for burning+postburnin times).


A list that may contain elements named:

  • byParameter: A named list of vectors. In each vector, the elements correspond to parameters. The list names will become parameter names in the byParameter element of metrics elements in MCMCresult objects.

  • byMCMC: A named list of numbers.

It is also valid to return a list of such lists.

In normal use, metrics are called by addMetrics (possibly from compareMCMCs) and the results are collated in the metrics field of MCMCresult objects.

Manipulate metrics in one or more MCMCresult object(s)


Clear metrics or add metrics to MCMC results.


clearMetrics(results, byParameter = TRUE, byMCMC = TRUE)

  metrics = c("mean", "median", "sd", "CI95_low", "CI95_upp", "ESS", "efficiency"),
  options = list()



an MCMCresult object or list of MCMCresult objects.


TRUE or FALSE: whether to clear byParameter metrics


TRUE or FALSE: whether to clear byMCMC metrics


character vector of metric names to add. See metrics.


named list of options. When calling a metric function (e.g. mean), if there is a named element with that name (e.g. "mean"), it will be passed as the second argument to the metric function.


These functions provide ways to manipulate the collection of metrics inside one or more MCMCresult objects.

The MCMCresult class is fairly simple. One can also modify contents of an MCMCresult object using class methods or direct manipulation of contents.

Metrics are organized as "byParameter", when there is one result for each parameter (column) of MCMC output, and "byMCMC", when there is one result for an entire MCMC sample (across all parameters).

clearMetrics clears all metrics by parameter, by MCMC, or both.

addMetrics populates a set of metrics. See package vignette for more information.

See Also


Register, unregister and access page components used by make_MCMC_comparison_pages


Register, unregister and access page components used by make_MCMC_comparison_pages







A named list of new page components to register


Character name of a page component to unregister


A page component is an element that can be included in an MCMC comparison page by naming it in the pageComponents argument to make_MCMC_comparison_pages. See package vignette for explanation page components.

See Also


Register an MCMC function for use by compareMCMCs


Register an MCMC function for use by compareMCMCs


registerMCMCengine(name, fun)



The name by which the MCMC function (or "engine") is identified in the MCMCs argument to compareMCMCs.


The function that runs and times an MCMC.


See package vignette for information about the arguments that will be passed to fun from compareMCMCs and the MCMCresult object that should be returned by fun.

For more information, see builtin_MCMCs.

MCMCs from nimble are run in a different way, since there can be multiple MCMCs for the same nimble model. These are run by runNIMBLE, which is not exported.

Register, unregister, or access registered MCMC metric functions for use by compareMCMCs or addMetrics


Register, unregister, or access registered MCMC metric functions for use by compareMCMCs or addMetrics







A named list of new metric functions to register


Character name of a metric function to unregister


These functions are called for their "side effects" of modifying the list metric functions for MCMC results that will be recognized by name from the compareMCMCs or addMetrics functions. Those functions take a metrics argument that can be a character vector or a list. Names in the character vector will be looked up from the registered metric functions.

registerMetrics takes a named list and adds its elements to the list of recognized metrics with the corresponding names.

unregisterMetric removes one metric from the list at a time.

getMetrics returns the list of registered metrics.


registerMetrics and getMetrics return the environment of registered metrics.

unregisterMetric returns the result (which should be NULL) of a call to rm that attempts to remove a metric.

Rename an MCMC method throughout a list of MCMCresult objects


This is useful because an MCMC method name appears in multiple places


renameMCMC(MCMCresult, newName, oldName)



One or a named list of MCMCresult objects, such as returned by compareMCMCs.


A new (replacement) name for one of the MCMC method names


An old (existing) name for one of the MCMC method names


This replaces the MCMC label oldName with newName anywhere they appear in the MCMCresult list. This includes various places in the metrics elements of the MCMCresult objects.

If oldName is omitted, MCMCresult must be a single MCMCresult object, in which the existing MCMC method name will be replaced by newName. Hence oldName is only necessary if MCMCresult is a list of MCMCresult objects.